About Tai Chi

What is Tai Chi (Taijiquan)?

Tai Chi is the traditional Chinese art of keeping fit, self-defence and improving one’s physical and mental well being. Tai Chi consists of a series of fluid gentle relaxed movements.

Tai Chi combines breathing with relaxation and postures that flow from one to another through controlled slow movements.

Tai Chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended. Tai Chi can therefore be easily adapted to suit people of all ages and most levels of physical fitness including those with disabilities.

Why Tai Chi?

The way we move, breathe, stand, walk and even sit (particularly at computers) can have a positive or negative effect on our general health.

There are very few of us today who do not spend some of our time feeling tense and suffering stiffness in muscles and joints often brought on by poor posture. The hectic pace of modern living and lack of appropriate exercise can leave us tired and exhausted.

We need some form of exercise that gently and steadily relaxes the body and most importantly refreshes the mind. Furthermore, conventional exercise is often too strenuous or exhausting for some people and also lacks or has little effect on the internal part of our body.

Tai Chi helps to develops both physical, mental, internal and external elements of our body to help us achieve a sense of well-being.

Research has found that Tai Chi can improve balance control reducing the likelihood of falls, improve memory, concentration, digestion and flexibility.

In summary Tai Chi has an overall positive effect on people’s health .

Tai Chi is fun to learn

The movements are accessible to all and are fun and enjoyable to learn in a group setting. Tai Chi builds confidence and improves ones physical and mental health.